A Book (cont'd)

Sectoral Panorama of Mardin; Some Thematic Problems and Proposals for Their Solutions (Mardin'in Sektörel Panoraması; Tematik Bazı Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri)

The idea of preparing such a work is based on Mardin Artuklu University (MAU) and consultation meetings with sectoral representative organisations in Mardin, Turkey. Public, private, and mixed sector representatives who came together with MAU academicians in many meetings in the period 2022-23 negotiated on agriculture, industry, and service sectors; especially grain, textile, and tourism, and determined the structural problems of the city/region within this framework and made negotiations as a brainstorm for their solutions. Brief information on the book is as follows:
1) The book consists of 12 chapters, 4 for each sector namely agriculture, industry, and service.
2) At the beginning of each chapter, a table of contents and the titles of 'purposes, findings, and proposals' are given in Turkish and English languages for a better understanding of the theme.
3) At the end of the book, there is a brief file on some selected sectoral problems of Mardin and their solutions by relevant institutions as well.
4) Each part of the book includes either a field study or an econometric analysis. Because the aim is to identify the problems by first hand and to propose concrete solutions accordingly.

Of course, this book does not seek to solve all problems of Mardin, however, it can be stated that this is a significant step in terms of addressing some thematic problems of the city/region and focusing on their solutions.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci, Mardin Artuklu University Publications, Mardin-Turkey.